Welcome to Slide!
We're thrilled to announce that Farmers® and Slide Insurance have teamed up to provide continued home insurance coverage options for Farmers® policyholders in Florida!
The Scoop on Slide
Slide offers flexible coverage to fit your needs as a Florida homeowner. We have quickly grown to one of Florida's largest technology-enabled homeowners insurance companies.
While Slide may be a new name to you, we are not new to insurance. We were founded in 2021 in Tampa, FL, by industry veterans who deeply understand the Florida market.
You can count on Slide when you need us. Our financial stability is top-notch, with a Demotech Financial Stability Rating of “A” (Exceptional) and a reinsurance program that exceeds regulatory requirements. Additionally, our claims team has achieved industry-leading results in our hurricane response efforts.
Let's answer your questions.
Coverage Information
What is happening with my Farmers® homeowners insurance policy?
Farmers® has made the difficult business decision to stop offering Farmers®-branded coverage in Florida. Farmers® and Slide have entered into an agreement to provide you with continuity of coverage for your homeowners insurance policy. When your Farmers® policy ends, you will receive a renewal policy from Slide.
You can expect to receive a mailed non-renewal notification 120 days before your coverage ends with Farmers® followed by a renewal packet from Slide at least 45 days before your renewal date.
Please note: This only applies to your home insurance policy. If you have other insurance policies with Farmers®, please talk to your agent about your options.
Who is receiving a renewal offer from Slide?
All Florida Farmers® homeowners (HO3 and HO6) policyholders will receive a renewal from Slide Insurance.
When will I receive a renewal from Slide?
If you were a Farmers® homeowners policyholder in Florida, you will receive a renewal from Slide that continues coverage after your Farmers® policy expiration. The information you had on file, including your billing preferences, will be used for the Slide renewal.
What do I need to do to continue coverage with Slide?
Our goal is to make your transition as seamless as possible so your policy will automatically renew as it has in the past. The renewal coverage reflects the information you had on file with Farmers®, including your billing preferences.
For example, if mortgage billing was your payment method with Farmers®, Slide will automatically send the renewal information and invoice to your mortgage company on file. No action is required on your part, other than to ensure the mortgage company listed on your renewal offer is current and accurate. If your mortgage company has changed, contact customer service at (800) 748-2030 or your agent to have it updated.
Can I change my coverage?
Yes. Please reach out to your agent if you wish to modify your coverage.
Do I need to notify my mortgage company?
No. Slide will notify your mortgage company and provide all required information. If your mortgage company pays your insurance premium, Slide will send your invoice to your mortgage company for payment.
We recommend that you verify the accuracy of your mortgage company information and notify customer service at (800) 748-2030 or your agent if changes need to be made.
Where will my insurance documents come from?
Your insurance documents will come directly from Slide at renewal time.
About Slide Insurance
Who is Slide?
Headquartered in Tampa, Slide offers flexible coverage to fit your needs as a Florida homeowner. We were founded in 2021 by insurance veterans and have quickly grown to one of Florida's largest homeowners insurer.
Is Slide financially stable?
Yes! We have earned and maintained a Demotech Financial Stability Rating of “A” (Exceptional). Demotech’s rating process provides an objective baseline for assessing carrier solvency.
We also have a reinsurance program (which is basically insurance for insurance companies to back the carrier should there be a major storm) that exceeds all regulatory and rating agency requirements. This ensures that we are built for the future and have the financial strength to get our policyholders back to whole after covered losses.
My Agent
Can I keep my current insurance agent?
Yes. The majority of Farmers® agent chose to continue serving their clients independently.
I have Farmers® coverage that isn’t homeowners. What does this mean for those policies?
We recommend speaking to your Farmers® agent for further details on your remaining Farmers® coverage.
What if I have an open claim?
If you have a claim currently open with Farmers®, your claim will continue to be handled by the Farmers® claims team. Slide will be unable to assist with claims filed with Farmers®.
How do I file a new claim?
If your date of loss or damage occurred on or after your effective date with Slide, report your claim here, or call (866) 230-3758.
If your date of loss or damage occurred on or after your effective date with Slide, call Slide Claims at (866) 230-3758.
I still have questions.
Who do I call?
Your Farmers® agent will be able to answer your remaining questions and help you navigate your coverage options.